Make a difference

A well-known quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi says that, "the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Across the world, people who take this to heart, have made it their lives work to protect, to care for and to rescue animals.

Helping vulnerable animals and keeping pets in safe and loving homes requires a commitment from all of us — advocates, pet owners, shelters, leaders, and entire communities. When we work together under a common cause, we’re both saving lives and elevating our society and its laws to ensure cruelty victims and other at-risk animals receive the protection and care they deserve.

As a company, at FURRYOSA™ we believe that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans and must be protected.

Each year we select one of the animal rescue organizations and 5% of our proceeds are donated to their cause to help them make a difference.

Make a difference ❤ Portion of proceeds donated to FOUR PAWS charity